Lori Nelson
Lori Nelson is the corporate financial administrator at Apel. Her diverse background makes Lori a great asset to the Apel team. Prior to Apel, Lori worked as an office manager for a Wisconsin-based therapeutic CD business. She also worked in banking and for a time put her bachelor’s degree in elementary education to use as a substitute teacher.
Lori is a stickler for keeping things in good order. As a child she even started a library using her own books. She enforced strict rules for her sisters, such as requiring a library card and demanding books be returned in good condition and on time!
Lori lives with her husband, Scott, near the family farm in Leeds. They share a love of the outdoors and enjoy a variety of activities, from walking and hiking to biking and kayaking. The call of the wild—or at least the partially wild—has led to them setting a monumental goal: visit every national park in the U.S.
Beginning in 2018, Lori and her husband recommitted themselves to daily physical activity and have even added a home gym. The two have realized that a well-lived life involves taking care of yourself both fiscally and physically.